
PPC Agency Leicester for Small Businesses

PPC services designed to fit your small business needs.

Our team of digital marketing experts is based near Leicester. We understand the struggles of small businesses, and we want to help. Your web ranking is poor, your ads aren’t working, or you’re fighting for customers, we can help. Let us manage your PPC Leicester campaign.

Areas see a range and look quality. name and industry. Make success and get found.

Customised winning PPC strategies

Lower the cost

Improve the CTR, CPA & Conversion Rate with ads that work

Achieve growth

Gain fast results with measurable results & ROI

SEO services for Rutland and SEO Oakham for local businesses

Let someone else, like us, do all the PPC Ad & lead campaign work

PPC Management Services for Small Businesses

Your sales are dead without any leads or converting prospects.

The pay-per-click model is an effective way of driving traffic to websites. PPC search engine advertising is a popular form of PPC.

Marketing has evolved over the years. Gaining enquiries and customers online is expected.


If your website does not convert, it’s not appealing to customers, or your competitors consistently outrank you. It’s time to try paid search engine advertisements. This powerful online marketing strategy can quickly give your small business the competitive edge it needs.

PPC agency services for small Leicester businesses

You have a business, but how do you get found? Use our PPC marketing services to make yourself more visible to customers and improve your search ranking. This will generate more calls, enquiries, and sales!

Web design assessment, Pay Per Click management and Google My Business audit icon. Also used for google ads campaign audit, Local SEO audit

PPC & Google Ads Account Audits

Before we launch any new digital marketing campaigns, we need to understand where you want to be and run a performance audit. This is the only way to know if your current ads are working or if there’s an underlying issue with them.

Research with keyword phrases is really helpful information for businesses as digital marketing services and used in paid advertising

Keyword Research & Competitor Ad Analysis

We’ll research your ad to discover what it works best for and what opportunities advertisers may miss. We’ll also look at your competitors’ search ads as opportunities to exploit. And we’ll focus on finding new keywords for an ad strategy.

Ideas, our next approach and strategies from our SEO consultants - search engine optimisation. and in PPC strategy with advertising campaigns that are award winning

Ad Strategy, Campaign Planning, Reporting & Setup

Your account manager can simplify planning and budgeting whether you’ve already tried paid search or are new to PPC. We’ll develop a long-term campaign with proven methods. Using intricate remarketing strategies, website content, and landing pages, as well as data-driven reports, you’ll see improvements.

Google Ads used for PPC campaigns

Google Ads Management

PPC is hard. Managing PPC is harder. With our PPC agency Leicester, you can save time, energy, and money by outsourcing your Google Ads account. All the groundwork for your Google Ads account can be done by us. So you can focus on your Leicester business. Let us handle it!

Facebook PPC ads for business goals

Facebook Ads

As the world’s most popular social media site, Facebook is overwhelming for businesses of any size to use effectively. It is important to consider each ad campaign’s goals. Whatever the goal, we have a Facebook advertising package that fits your needs.

Lead generation with landing pages and conversation rates.

Lead Generation

We focus on getting results for clients by doing A/B testing, creating high-quality ad copy, landing pages specifically designed for each client’s advertising campaigns, sales and marketing funnels, and client relationship management.

Want a Free PPC Audit?

Have you neglected your Pay-Per-Click (PPC) account? Get in touch with our Leicester marketing agency about how we can help manage your PPC budget. Complete the form.

seo traffic img

Benefits of PPC for small businesses

Pay-per-click campaigns are a quick and inexpensive way to advertise your products and services while targeting potential customers. Pay-per-click ads on Google, Bing, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc., can be profitable to generate a measurable return on investment. 


Ads are especially effective in reaching your target audience at the right time and location. PPC companies are currently generating millions of eyeballs every month for small scale businesses all over the internet.

Small businesses average about 1% of their revenues for advertising expenses.
85% of consumers use the internet to search for local businesses​.
Paid advertising returns £1.59 ($2) for every £0.79 ($1) spent – a 200% ROI rate.
Small business owner using PPC Leicester
conversion tracking reports within a PPC digital marketing agency Management Services and quality score to match the search terms as well as campaign performance of ad groups plus advertising channels used within the campaign structure plus display ad spend versus conversion rates for different text ads and case studies.

For one local small business, a CTR of 11.3% was achieved. Only 10% of advertisers achieve this level of success.

According to WordStream, the average Click Through Rate (CTR) across all industries in Google Ads is 1.91%

Our small yet effective marketing team generated 562 leads for a local business in 5 months, about £0.56 per click (on average), with an average CTR of 11.3% and a 10% advertising conversion rate on landing pages. This new start-up was booming in the target market, and our ads dominated. None of the competitors could get close. Our client’s closing rate was 10%, which is much higher than the industry average.


Our PPC strategy included keyword research, client focus, and detailed ad management. Get started with Dynamics Tech.

Most Frequent Questions

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about Pay-Per-Click advertising for Leicester small businesses.

Pay Per Click (PPC) is an online marketing technique that draws visitors to your site through online advertisements.


There are many types of online PPC ads, including display advertising, paid search, remarketing, video ads, mobile advertising, native advertising, social media ads, business email marketing, and audio ads.


PPC is an essential part of your marketing mix and is one of the best ways to expand your reach and quickly find new customers.


Contact us to get started.

PPC campaigns are not as simple as setting up a few text ads.


A successful PPC campaign, including Amazon PPC, requires detailed research, targeting, testing and continuous optimisation to achieve positive results that drive business growth.


A PPC digital marketing agency’s job is to achieve your advertising goals and generate an ROI for the client, so you pay for PPC services.


If you don’t have the training, experience, time resources and expensive 3rd party solutions, the cost of PPC ads can quickly run away from you and squander your budget.


Here at Dynamics Tech, you will work with a dedicated Leicester-based account manager to oversee your ad campaigns and follow pay-per-click best practices to ensure our PPC strategy supports your ad spend.


To learn more about our PPC advertising and PPC agency Leicester services, or other services including local SEO, SEO, web design, Google Ads, Shopify PPC and digital marketing, contact us to speak to our Leicester sales representative or our Leicester PPC account manager.

No matter your budget, we can offer you our expertise and advertising campaign management.


We’d recommend at least £300 per month. Most clients spend £600+ a month. Our PPC ad management fees are 15%-20% of the budget. Additionally, there are fees for campaign setup.


Our team has over five years of experience dealing with pay-per-click advertising and landing pages. We offer a lot of flexibility in service.


Generally speaking, the bigger the budget, the more that can be done. The benefits of advertising with Google and Facebook are immediate and measurable. Getting started with a small budget is possible, and even encouraged. In the early days, focusing on the speed of return on ad spend is key. Keeping this in mind, you should add 40%-90% of your profit from sales back into ad spend over the first three to six months as you see sales continue to grow.


The UK average cost-per-click of Google Ads (formally Google AdWords), on the Search Network, is between £0.66 and £1.32. The average cost per click on Bing Ads across all industries is £1.12. Bing Ads is known to be lower in cost than Google Ads, but you will get fewer clicks, as Google has more visitors.


Rather than focusing on how much you think PPC should cost, focus on the experience and quality of a UK PPC agency you work with. There you get the best price-performance ratio. Be careful when you choose the cheapest UK PPC agency to offer! Many PPC management agencies focus on being cheap, which often means they rely on set-and-forget campaigns that don’t get the best results for their marketing spend for the client. That’s not us. Our focus is on honest, direct PPC campaigns that get the best out of every pound and help your small company grow.


Get started. Call us today. 

It depends. As you spend more, you’ll receive more clicks, which will lead to more data that we need to analyse and then optimise your campaigns. Regardless of our fees, we spend as much time on your campaigns as necessary.

It is often a recipe for disaster to run ads without adequate knowledge. Our team has taken over dozens of campaigns previously run in-house and fixed various problems, including paying too much per click, showing ads in areas outside of intended locations, and a long list of other problems that we normally fix quickly to deliver far superior performance. Besides issues with the actual ads, like the copy, in-house ad campaigns are generally not detailed enough due to limited understanding and time.


Another issue we encounter is issues with conversations on the website, not a proper landing page, which increases conversations by using A/B split testing. You need specialist software which you won’t find in your website CMS.


And while this all seems technical and over the top, at the end of the day it’s all about ROI. Let someone else generate you a return on your ad investment.

Even though it is very easy to set up your AdWords account and first campaign, if you do not have any experience, you could easily make a mistake. We are confident that we will be able to turn any struggling account into one that is successful. As a PPC Management agency for small businesses, allow us to handle the hard PPC work for you.

If possible, your business should invest in both SEO and well-structured PPC campaigns. As a result of PPC, you’ll quickly see more clicks and leads from your site. SEO is more of a long-term strategy for increasing organic traffic to a website, but that takes time to work.


Advantages of Organic SEO:

  • Organic SEO is very cost-effective. The labour costs of setting up and managing a PPC campaign are usually the same or even more than the labour costs of SEO. The difference is that there are continuous click charges with PPC campaigns.


  • Organic SEO is long-lasting — after a PPC campaign is turned off, a site that is properly optimised can maintain a high ranking in search results.


  • Search engine positioning is relatively stable, whereas PPC ad positions continuously change according to your competitors’ bidding tactics. A well-optimised site with good link authority and excellent content can hold its search engine position even if you need to step away for a month.


Drawbacks to SEO:

  • A well-optimised site with good link authority and excellent content can hold its search engine position even if you need to step away for a month.


  • Having an SEO-optimised site with good link authority and excellent content can help you hold on to your search engine position even if you step away for a month.


  • Analogously, PPC is much faster. Optimising your site can take months before you see results, while PPC will start getting you leads immediately.
  • Optimising your site can take months before you start seeing results, while PPC will start getting you leads immediately.


  • SEO can take many months before you see results, while PPC will start getting you leads immediately.


  • SEO is an ongoing process. As you put more effort into it, your site will only become more “optimised.” Hopefully, your rankings will improve in the future, and you will reap the benefits of your SEO investment.


  • SEO is time-consuming, especially if you decide to do it yourself. SEO tools are available, or you can hire someone to do it for you, but that will cost you real money, not your time.


Advantages of PPC:

  • As soon as your PPC campaign starts, you’ll get more traffic, clicks, and conversions. It may take months before your site moves up to search engine results.


  • The good thing about PPC is that it’s scalable and controllable – you can set your budget and see how many leads you’re getting. That way, you can accurately estimate your digital marketing budget. SEO is not always straightforward, and it may take longer or cost more money if the industry or area you want to rank for is extremely competitive.


  • By using PPC, you don’t have to worry about a search engine’s algorithm affecting your position. You’re bidding on the top spots; your organic ranking won’t matter. In SEO, you need to ensure your site is optimised according to Google’s standards, or you could lose rank or be penalised for black hat tactics.


PPC has the following disadvantages:

  • To get reliable results, you have to pay, and the more you pay, the better the results. Keyword competition has never been higher. It could mean you’ll have to pay more later for the same results you’ve been getting.


  • It takes time to research and select effective keywords. Managing what you’re spending on keywords, measuring returns, adjusting your spending, and playing the PPC game intelligently. It is a full-time job. A PPC specialist can run your campaigns properly for you, so you don’t have to do it yourself.


  • When you turn off PPC, it stops providing leads. Suppose your PPC budget suddenly has to be diverted to something else. Can you still survive with the leads you’re getting naturally? SEO is long-lasting and never ends, much like a snowball rolling downhill. There is no stopping it once it gets going. It may slow down, but once it gains momentum, it can’t be stopped.


  • “Click Fraud” is a problem, as some companies use manual clicks or malicious software to simulate human clicks from different IP addresses worldwide. This results in a spike in your click charges from your competitors. It is possible to evade Google’s detection of some of this fraud, but there are ways to do it.


Have MORE questions?

Please contact us if you have any further questions, and we will be happy to help.