
Free Local SEO Audit Report for all 60-min booked calls

Find out how well your small business performs in Google Maps and local search.

Before we have our 60-minute call, get your free Local SEO Audit Report, which shows how well your Google Business Profile works with Google Maps, Google Search, Google Mobile, Bing and Bing Local. We can discuss the GBP results of this report and what you can do to improve things in our booked call.

Know your competition

Our Free Local SEO Report gives you an easy to understand report of how your business compares to the local competition. Find out which local companies rank in the local pack and where your business ranks in comparison.

See your website and Business Profile rankings

We report on your rankings in the two largest search engines (Google and Bing) within their local offerings (Google Maps, Google Business Profile, and Bing Local).

Learn more about each ranking factor

We explain each search engine optimisation (SEO) factor throughout the report. As a local SEO agency, Dynamics Tech can provide ongoing support and advice as well as Local SEO services, develop a local SEO strategy or provide quick SEO fixes.

What's included in your free local SEO report?

On completion of the form above, you will quickly receive your personalised SEO Audit Report. You can use the report to learn about how your business is performing online. Then rapidly take action to grow your small business using Local SEO services.

Local SEO report summary icon

Local SEO Report Summary

We use a unique formula to calculate an SEO score for each section and convert this into an easy-to-read summary score of 'Good', 'OK' and 'Poor', so you can quickly see what's working and what needs your attention quickly.

Links and website authority link

Links & Website Authority

Provides a breakdown of external web links to your website and their value, which contribute towards your Domain Authority. This search engine ranking score predicts how well a website will rank on search engine result pages. These SEO indicators play an important part in how high your business ranks in search engine results.

Local SEO search ranking report

Search Rankings

Our Local SEO Audit Report examines the critical SEO factors that affect your ability to rank highly in those search engines, including Google Business Profile (GBP). You will gain a clear picture of how your website ranks for your important keywords. The local SEO audit hunts for your website/business name, and then shows you the position in which you appear—understanding where you help you focus your future local SEO strategy.

Local business listing

Local Business Listings

For local businesses, their NAP address & contact information must be correct and consistent across the web. Business directories like Yell, Thomson Local, Independent.com, Yahoo! Local and Cylex provide reliable information to Google and Bing about your business. These directories can be a direct source of new customers. Still, they can also boost your local ranking within Google and Bing local search results..

Customer reviews

Customer Reviews & Ratings

Within the free local SEO audit report, we'll show you your most recent customer reviews from the most influential review sites like Google, Facebook, TripAdvisor, Airbnb, Booking.com, Yell and many more. We'll report back on your total reviews, Avg—rating and score for each site. Gaining positive customer reviews and managing your reputation isn't simply important. It's a critical factor for any business, let alone a small local business. Google and Bing use customer reviews as a positive ranking signal for Local SEO.

Google My Business Performance report

Google Business Profile Performance Report

Google Business Profile (GMP) is massively important to any local business. It's used as the portal to update your company profile for Google organic search results and Google Maps listings on both desktop and mobile devices. Our Google Business Profile performance report tracks criteria, business profile factors, and benchmarks your website against the top 10 ranked businesses in your area. GBP is a hugely significant marketing opportunity for local companies. Getting your GBP accurate, up to date and optimised is critical to attracting new, local customers. Using this Google Business Profile audit tool is a wonderful start.

On-Page SEO report

On-Site SEO Report

Technically, the on-site SEO report isn't included in our free local SEO report, as it takes an additional 3-5 minutes to create it. If you would like a report that summarises the findings from all the pages that we audit on your site (max 200 pages), then feel free to reach out and ask. On-site SEO factors are the foundations of your website that search engines use to understand your site and the pages, so they can index it according. Using the report findings can help you improve SEO factors on your site because you have control over it. If you don't know anything about the above, or how to do on-page SEO work, then we can help as we provide on-page SEO services for small businesses.

Social channel Facebook icon

Social Channels

Finally, the SEO Local Audit Report examines your use and popularity on social media. The audit will look for your Facebook Business Page and Twitter account. We report on numbers of Like and Followers you have and include numbers of visitors you gain for these social media channels. It's essential to 'socialise' your business so customers can share their experiences with their friends, and you can turn them into new customers. Social media is increasingly becoming important for how companies engage and communicate with their customers, and how you can grow your business. This report gives you a quick snapshot of your social media presence.

How the Local SEO audit works

Start by typing in the name of your business, and hopefully it will appear in the list. We use Google Business Profile directory to find and match your business profile for the report, and collect the correct company data.


If your company is not listed and you cannot find it, add your company name, select the Report Now button, and fill out the form on the next page.


To create the best report for you, we need to confirm and collect your business name, address, phone, and website URL. Once done, click create my report, and our software will crawl the website, aggregating citations (business directory listings), customer reviews and other mentions of your business, including looking at your nearest competitors, finding your social media channels, and learning keywords your website and local profiles currently rank for.

Free Local SEO Report

New or not sure where to start?

If you don’t already have a Google Business Profile listing or Bing Places account for your business, not verify your listing or are not sure where to start, we can help. Dynamics Tech is a Local SEO Agency for small size businesses in the UK or globally. We can help you get the most out of your local SEO listings.

Local search optimization