
Get help with Shopify Support
Partner & Maintenance

Shopify business owners who need website support, help and ongoing store maintenance.

In our role as a Shopify Partner, we have invested in the latest Shopify maintenance and Shopify support services, including training, speed optimisation, tracking, app development, SEO, migration and more, to give customers the best Shopify online store that gives them an advantage in terms of customer experience, attracting and attracting new customers.

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Help with Shopify

Fix problems​

Finding and fixing problems with your Shopify store may be challenging. Let Dynamics Tech help you and improve it for you. Choose either ad hoc pay-as-you-go customer support or our monthly Shopify online store support.

Manage administrative tasks​

Many fundamental and technical, administrative tasks must be done regularly as a Shopify admin to keep your site working as well as possible. We do mundane work for you, including some extras, such as product updates, backups, SEO rankings, email marketing and more.

Optimisation, Development & Consultancy

Shopify stores need to be optimised for SEO and conversion rate improvements to maximise sales. Theme development and application development can be complex. We are Shopify experts and can support your online store and sales.

Don't let your Shopify store become one of the 95%

Shopify is used by many stores, but what percentage of Shopify stores fail? 5% succeed, while 95% fail. Below are the reasons for this failure and what you can do to become one of the 5% successful store owners.

Choose the right dropshipping niche

Shopify stores fail because they choose the wrong niche. It takes people a long time to research their niche before opening their online store. If you want to achieve your long-term goals, invest time in research. Most online eCommerce stores choose a broad niche and then specialise within it. We offer consultancy and research services to help you select or pivot to a new niche.

Product performance

You may have picked the right niche, but that’s only half the story. You need products, and you can’t succeed or grow in your eCommerce business if you don’t choose the right products that people want to buy. Sell distinctive products if you want your store to stand out. Analyse the market and determine if there is a demand for the featured products.

Enhanced marketing

Many Shopify stores fail because customers don’t return. If they have a positive experience, they are more likely to return. Improve customer return rates with PCC remarketing, email marketing automation, cart abandonment features, customer/product reviews, A/B split testing, rewards and vouchers, countdown timer and discount codes. Respond promptly to your customers’ needs to win their hearts and wallets. We help you build your brand, processes, advertising campaigns, email marketing campaigns, and blogging. Create apps that reward customers and make them feel special.

Shipping success

Shipping problems are the second biggest killer of online stores. It doesn’t matter if your retail business is largely online, mostly in-store, or a combination of both – shipping and delivery drive extra sales. Online customers can expect Amazon Prime delivery… Fast and free. Put your customers in control of delivery options, even if it’s not always possible. Offer in-store pickups, shipping from your own store pick up, drop-shipping from a local warehouse, scheduled delivery, shipping price calculators, Shopify integration with a delivery carrier, and improving customer communication with fast delivery. We can help!

Enhanced marketing

The most effective way to promote your Shopify store is through various channels – direct, organic search, Pay-Per-Click (PPC), email & chat, video, referrals and social media. You need help from professionals with a track record of delivering results. We aren’t the creative types who max-out your budgets! Don’t let us max out your media budget! Our eCommerce, conversion, SEO, and PPC skills are relevant, deep, and in-house. Various services help you communicate with customers, find potential customers, and grow your Shopify store.

Maximise product margin

Most people are afraid to keep their margins high because they assume no one would buy it at high margins. Low margins lead to failure, not success unless you sell a hundred widgets a day. If you can’t improve products with low margins, change them. This will be simple for you. Need help selling? Want to increase sales? With an app, your checkout process can be tailored to up-sell products for higher margins. Tell us how we can help.

Optimise your Shopify Theme

Shopify stores fail due to insufficient conversion tactics. Shopify has beautiful, clean themes that we’re all used to seeing. But various themes can affect your bottom line. The wrong theme could limit your design and functionality. Use more apps that can increase costs and slow your site down. Or you can use a premium theme with more options and development scope, but it will still need optimisation. Also available is a bespoke theme, 100% designed for your business and customers. Optimised for speed, SEO, design, navigation, newsletter sign-ups, features, etc. Have a Shopify theme question? Need Shopify SEO help? Need help with your Shopify optimisation? Let us know. Speak to our Shopify expert.

Improve customer service

To attract new customers to your online store, you must provide them with excellent services. Provide an FAQ page so they can get their common questions answered. Let them know how to contact you. Offer live chat or 24/7 customer support. Reply to their questions at the earliest opportunity and be polite. You’ll avoid poor customer service. Connect CRM with email and automation. Provide excellent UX and design. Answer questions via live chat or chatbots. Get clear terms of service, returns, and other legal and trading documents for your site. Get personalised customer accounts. You learn about your customers, and they learn about you. Want to improve your Shopify customer service? Call us. Speak to the Shopify support team.

Reap the benefits of Shopify with a UK based Partner for your online store.

Shopify makes it easy to sell online straight out of the box. But you’ll need help. With our Shopify maintenance service & Shopify support plan, we’ll take care of your online store maintenance. We do all the content and product image upgrades, security, optimisation, inventory management, backups, fixes (within reason), and everything else you don’t have time for! Shopify maintenance is essential to a successful eCommerce product website.  

Save time and money​

Keeping Shopify updated and support Shopify takes time. Even worse is when issues happen. Don’t let your sales drop and lose money, fix it or temporarily lose business.

Worry less​

Get reports displaying all the updates, site performance, and more. Don’t fret about Shopify issues. Let us do that so you can focus on your business.

Shopify support UK

Want a Free Shopify Website Audit?

Let’s provide you with a free audit of your Shopify website.

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No Hidden Charges or Fees in this Shopify Store Support.

Pricing plans.

Affordable pricing plans perfect for new Shopify businesses, Shopify entrepreneurs, Shopify web managers, and individuals who need to keep their store up to date and optimised + extra SEO benefits.


£50/Per Fix

  • Fixes
  • Updates
  • Solve issues


£69/Per Month

  • App Updates
  • Theme Updates
  • Backups
  • On-Site Maintenance
  • SEO Health Check
  • Bi-Weekly Site Care Report
  • Link Monitoring
  • Spam Monitoring & Protection
  • Bug Fixing
  • Performance & Speed Monitoring
  • Google Analytics Integration
  • Google Search Console Setup
  • On-Site SEO Advice
  • Access to the customer support team
  • Chat support
  • Shopify email support
  • Monthly SEO keyword tracking
  • Tweaks / Content Changes


£759/Per Year

  • Same as monthly, but also
  • Image Compression & Optimisation
  • Site Speed Optimisation
  • High Priority Support
  • Account Review / Routine Catch-up
  • Discounts on SEO services
  • Discounts on PPC services
  • Discounts on email marketing and more

*Solving customer issues within reason. Non-development. **Minimum 3-month commitment. Themes must be licensed & have access to download the latest version. We will require access to the store. PDF report emailed to the primary user/contact. Up to 100 keywords can be tracked (more can be tracked at a cost), tweaks, & content changes within reason, e.g. text and images, but not adding new pages, blog posts, dealing/communicating with your customers. Adding new products can be done within reason. This could be an add-on or part of our SEO & Content Marketing work. The cost depends on the number of products and complexity of the store. To be discussed. The cost above does not include us buying or building apps. Current prices are for stores with less than 50 products. Hourly rate at £45 and day rate £320 for all other tasks like consulting, research, adding new pages, new blog posts, email marketing, development, etc. Min 2 hours of work per request.

How our Shopify support helps you save time, save money and reduce stress.

What type of tasks can our Shopify experts do for you? A lot, as it turns out. Your Shopify platform requires a dedicated support partner/expert and ongoing maintenance. That’s where we come in. Get help with…

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Backups & Admin support for peace of mind

With a full backup of the design theme and products, you can get extra protection for both. Support is available for your Shopify admins.

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Store setup

Shopify support for store setup. Let us work with you to ensure your Shopify online store is set up correctly. Users, shipping and taxes, themes, Shopify template, products, apps, navigation menus and collections, Shopify payment gateways, domain names and SSL, relevant sales channels like Facebook, Instagram, buy button, store point of sale support (Shopify POS), live chat widget, eBay, analytics & more.

Website speed

Speed up your site

With improved site speed from our performance optimisation services, you will improve your visitors’ experience on your site as well as your search engine ranking. You need to look elsewhere to find solutions for speeding up your site, you need to look elsewhere, like the theme, the liquid code, images, and on-page JS apps. If you do not have much control over the backend, then you need to look elsewhere.  

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Liquid is an open-source language developed by Shopify and written in Ruby. Shopify’s themes use this to load dynamic content on storefronts, which is the backbone of all Shopify themes. This will require changes to the Liquid code when setting up a new store. If you need help with Shopify coding, please contact us.

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Email marketing

Relationships can be built across any distance. Take the time to send more meaningful emails. Personalise email campaigns and automate your processes based on deep customer segmentation, powered by data. Stay in touch with your customers through email. Let us help you with your Shopify email marketing. Among the partner companies of Dynamic Tech are Klaviyo, ActiveCampaign, and MailChimp.

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Social marketing & social sales

Get with Shopify social media marketing, integration, apps, strategy, execution, and more. Social media marketing will help you build engaged audiences where they already spend their time, create multiple traffic sources that constantly attract customers, and grow your business through the power of online networks. From selecting your channels to figuring out what to post, fill in the blanks and think about how to use social media to achieve your business goals.

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Get help with Shopify SEO and grow your traffic organically from Google and Bing. We can offer you keyword and competitor analysis, on-page optimisation, off-page work such as backlinks, and technical SEO services.  

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PPC for Shopify

You can use PPC to your advantage and receive PPC Shopify support. With our help, we will help you with your entire Shopify PPC campaign, as well as your PPC ads. The service includes both Google Shopping and product inventory feeds.

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Shopify Apps

Adding apps from the Shopify app store to your Shopify store can enhance the overall functionality of your store. You can get help with integrating Shopify 3rd party apps. We only use apps that are highly recommended by Shopify users.

New to Shopify or not sure where to start with fixing issues or getting support?

Suppose you don’t already have a Shopify store for your business or aren’t sure where to start with support. In this case, Dynamics Tech is a Shopify Partner. You can still contact Shopify, which has a support channel, but we have everything you need. We can be your UK based dedicated customer support team.


Our Shopify experts are here to help you get the most out of your store. Ready to transform the way you work?


Contact us to get started with our Shopify Support, or start a free trial with Shopify, and use us as your partner. Phone number – 01530 440354.

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