
Google Ad Manager Services for Small Businesses

We manage your Google Ad account as a service that helps you gain new customers

We’ve invested in the latest Google Ads manager tools, training, auditing, reporting & landing page software to give clients the best opportunity to gain traffic, higher conversations, make their daily budget go further, gain more qualified leads and sales than their competitors, and give them the edge for acquiring new customers via our Google Ads management services.

Google Ads Management services UK

Online advertising made easy

As a full-service Google Ad Management company, we will take over your new or existing Google Ad Manager account (formerly Google AdWords) and handle every step of the process, intending to gain you new leads and sales.

Conversion-driven campaigns

Successful campaigns mean more leads and conversions that bring a return on your ad spend. We'll work hard to refine and improve the conversation rate. You get the right clicks and a high conversion rate above-average rate. Using Google AdWords can be one of the most efficient & cost-effective ways to drive highly targeted traffic for your products or services.

Google Ads monitoring & optimisation services

Once your ad campaigns start, we pay attention to detail to further optimise your account, focusing on conversion rates and lowering customer acquisition costs. Our house team handles everything for you to ensure that your Google Ad campaigns continually help the business while providing the best returns possible for your advertising spend.

Why Google Ads matters?

If you want to improve your chances of gaining visitors, phone calls, leads & sales, then using Google Ads matters. Here’s why:

33 per cent

Google's market dominance

Google Ads account for 33% of global advertising revenue and 97% of Google's revenue. Google earned over £92 billion through its Google Ads platform in 2018.

200 per cent

Double your returns

To get an idea of how successful you can be when using it, Google calculates that for every £0.79 ($1) advertisers spend on Google Ads, they get on average £1.59 ($2) back–a 200% return on investment (ROI) rate (or 2x) return.

31.7 per cent

Get clicks for your campaigns

Click-through rate (CTR) stats for Pay-Per-Click (PPC) on Google provided by WordStream reveal the average CTR for Google Ads is 0.46% for Google display network ads, but a notable 3.17% of search ads.

41 per cent

It benefits to be near the top

Google search statistics show that 41% of all clicks made on Google go to the top three sponsored ads that appear when people search for something.

The importance of Google Ads

Google is where you search for what to do, places to go, & what to buy. We can make your ad appear on Google at the moment if somebody is looking for services or products like yours. Whether they’re on mobile, tablet or desktop, a well-timed ad can turn people into valuable customers.

the importance of google ads or Facebook ads as social media marketing campaign management for leads and sales

Want a Free Google Ads Management Quote and Audit?

Let us give you a quote to gain traffic to your site with our paid search PPC campaigns, and provide your AdWords Account audit.

seo traffic img

Our Google Ad Manager agency services.

Increase profits, reach potential customers, and capitalise on new opportunities by working with a small business, Google Ads Agency. Here are our Google Ads services:

Web design assessment, Pay Per Click management and Google My Business audit icon. Also used for google ads campaign audit, Local SEO audit

Google Ads Account
Audit & Business Review

If you have a Google Ads account, we can run a performance audit and look for improvements. Once done, we can chat about your business goals, target customers, advertising budget and ad campaign expectations. Determine the issues and where you need to be.

google ads campaign - Keyword research, target persona, customer or competitor Research for organic search

Research, Competitor Analysis & Account Setup

Research is the starting point, including the ad strategy, customer demand and keyword planning, competitor intelligence, your USP, and irresistible offers, creating compelling ads and landing pages. We’ve set the campaign parameters, settings & conversion tracking up as per your business needs.

Google ads management

Campaign Management & Ad Optimisation

We regularly manage your campaigns for maximum profitability and optimise wherever possible. This includes campaign building, re-optimising ads and copy, strategic bid management and daily routine optimisation.

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This includes Keyword Research, Ultimate Keywords, Unlimited Ads, Negative Keywords, Competitive Analysis, Ad Group Setup, Extensions, Ad Copy and Optimisation, Location-Based Targeting, Ad Scheduling, Regular Bid Adjustments, optimisation, Post-Click Landing, Page Optimisation, Reports and more.

Google Ads monthly campaign management

Monthly Campaign Management

We do Performance Monitoring, Performance Reporting, In-Depth Campaign Analysis, Conversion/Tracking Optimisation, Budget and Bid Maintenance for the AdWords campaign. Pause of Low Performers, Keywords and Ad Expansion, Quality Score & CTR Growth, Ad Remarketing, Facebook Ad management service and more.

adwords campaign support for ads google icon

General Account & Campaign Support

Our PPC Management Service support includes Dedicated Account Manager, Weekday and Weekend Support (within reason), Phone, Email, Video and Text Availability, On-site Training and Consultancy (ad-hoc payment required).

New to Google Ads or not sure where to start?

If you don’t already have a Google Ads Account for your business, don’t have a Google account or are not sure where to start with online advertising, Dynamics Tech can help. Contact us either to get started with Google Ads or ask us some questions.

Small business owner using Google Ads

Most Frequent Questions

Below are answers to the most often asked questions about using Google Ads for small businesses.

The UK average cost-per-click of Google Ads on the Search Network is between £0.66 and £1.32. However, some keywords can cost £20+ per click.


Google Ads (formally Google AdWords) is an online pay-per-click advertising platform that lets advertisers display their ads on the Google Search Engine results page.


Depending on the keywords they want to target, companies pay to get their advertisements categorised at the top of the search results page. Since the PPC management platform works on pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, you pay only when a visitor clicks on your advertisement.


Google Ads is one of the largest online advertising management platforms to help businesses reach their customers anywhere in the world & grow their business.


Here’s what advertising can look like:


What is Google Ads?


A live Google Ads campaign displays ads to prospective prospects or customers that are interested/searching (for) in your product or service.


Advertisers bid on search terms and keywords. These bidding process winners are placed at the top of the search engine results page (SERP), on YouTube videos, or relevant websites, through the type of advertising campaign used.


Several factors affect your ability to win the bid, and not who bids the highest. It’s more about who creates the most high-performing ads that win.


Here we cover some examples of Google Ads.


AdRank and Quality Score

AdRank determines your ad placement. Quality Score (QS) is one of two factors (the other being the offer’s price) that decides your AdRank.


Your click-through-rate (CTR) depends on how your ad corresponds to the intent of the searcher, which you can deduct from three areas:


  1. Whether your keywords are relevant.
  2. Suppose your ad copy and call-to-action (CTA) delivers what the searcher expects based on their search.
  3. User experience on your landing pages.


Your QS is where you should focus most of your attention on setting up your ad campaign, even before increasing your bid. The higher your QS, the lower your acquisition costs, and the better you will be.


For small businesses, the focus of your ads must be of high quality. Follow Google’s Ad best practices. Small businesses will not want to waste money, throwing away their ad budget. Using Google Ads is a tremendous opportunity to seek leads, sales, and growth.



When setting up your Google Ads campaign, you can choose the geographic area where your ads will be displayed. For small businesses, this is brilliant because it allows you to be super-specific.


Suppose you have a physical storefront or place of business that customers can visit (gyms, pubs, restaurants, shops, clinics, etc.). In this case, it should be within a reasonable radius of your physical location.


If you have an eCommerce website, define an area where you can ship.


You may create ad groups based on your location, and be super specific about your various ad campaigns with a location-based strategy for small businesses.



Doing keyword research is just as crucial for paid ads as organic search. Your keywords must match the intent of your researcher. This is because Google matches your ads with search queries based on the keywords selected in the ad campaign or ad group.


You can use ad groups for your campaign to target a smaller set of keywords (one to five keywords is optimal). Google will display your advertising according to these keyword terms.


As a small business, you might not have the budget to target specific keywords 24/7, so it’s wise to be super niche and find other keywords to build out your ad campaigns and cover more ground.


Match Types

Match Types give you room for your keyword selections — They tell Google whether you want to match a search query exactly or if your ad should be shown to anyone with a search query. It’s semi-related.


There are now three types of matches that can be selected:


  • Broad Match is the default parameter that uses any word in your keyword in any order. For example, “yoga classes in Leicester” will match “yoga class” or “yoga Leicester.”
  • Phrase Match matches the queries that include your keyword in the exact order. There may be additional words before or afterwards. For example, “yoga” can yield “Live virtual yoga” or “yoga store.”
  • Exact Match keeps your keywords in the correct order. For example, “yoga for beginners” will not be shown if someone types “yoga for advance”.


Title & description

Your ad copy may make the difference between clicking on your ad and clicking on your competitor’s ad. It’s essential that your ad copy matches the searcher’s intent, aligns with your target keywords, and addresses the persona’s pain point with a simple solution.


Ad Extensions

If you use Google Ads, use the add-ons, as they help increase CTR. They provide users with more information and another reason to interact with your advertisement.


Google Ads Retargeting

Retargeting (or remarketing) in Google Ads is one way to advertise to users who have interacted with you online, but have not yet converted.


Tracking cookies will track users around the web and target those users with your advertisements. Remarketing is effective for prospective customers, and you must see your marketing at least seven times before becoming a customer.

The most effective way to improve your ad quality score is to optimise your landing page.


Optimising a dedicated landing page for your ad campaign is similar to that of search engine optimisation (SEO). It is necessary to make sure that the on-page structure of the pages corresponds to the ads and search terms. User experience is crucial, and you should focus on images, on-page loading time, content above and below the fold, and your call to action.


It is possible to use tools that perform A/B split tests to test your messages, hypnosis, and website design.


Our company uses A/B tests and custom landing pages that are optimised for ads, audience segmentation, and conversion tracking, along with A/B testing.


Contact us to discuss how we can optimise your landing pages with our help… 01530 440354

A Google Ads campaign can be tricky if you have little or no experience in digital marketing.


While Google provides automation rules of ads and continuous guidance for improvement, their focus will always be on making more money from their customers.


Setting up an ad campaign should be part of your company’s marketing strategy and align with your business objectives. Working with a pay-per-click PPC management agency for Google Ads management will allow you to see the results, rather than worry about the technical elements of the Google Ads campaign.


Dynamics Tech is a certified Google Partners from our years of experience with Google Ads management, having supplied our Google Ads AdWords management services to other small businesses.


As Google Partners, we are known for our ad search capabilities, including pay-per-click best practices in creating, managing and optimising Google Ads, shopping ads, and YouTube ads via search campaigns.


Our professional team knows how to get the most out of PPC by helping you grow your website and meet your goals.


Small businesses have smaller budgets and limited ad spending, not to mention costly campaign manager tools that reduce costs, manage negative keywords, and improve ad spending per paid search campaign.


So, hiring a data-driven Google Ads agency like Dynamics Tech that understands small businesses will help you with ad campaigns that drive small business growth. Call 01530 440354

Here at Dynamics Tech, we charge between 15%-20% of your monthly ad budget. 


Additional costs can include setup fees, landing page design, landing management, and hosting costs.

Absolutely. The beauty of Google Ads is that they provide a cost-effective means for businesses of all sizes to reach a virtually unlimited, targeted audience. The bidding system is extremely flexible, allowing you to start, stop, pause, and even adjust your bids at any time.

Have MORE questions?

Please contact us if you have any further questions.