
PPC Management Services for Small Businesses

PPC management services designed to fit your small business needs.

Are you looking to grow your small business & find new customers? Is your industry competitive, web ranking poor, or is it hard to generate leads and costly to convert into customers? Are you wasting money on ads and conversion pages that don’t work? Our PPC management services for small businesses solve these issues.

Areas see a range and look quality. name and industry. Make success and get found.

Customised winning PPC strategies

Lower the cost

Improve the CTR, CPA & Conversion Rate with ads that work

Achieve growth

Gain fast results with measurable results & ROI

SEO services for Rutland and SEO Oakham for local businesses

Let someone else, like us, do all the PPC, Ad & Lead campaign work

PPC Management Services for Small Businesses

Your lead generation and sales are dead without the right person ready to convert or buy.

What is PPC? Pay-per-click (PPC) is an effective online advertising model used to drive traffic to web pages. Search advertising is one of the most popular forms of PPC.

Marketing has evolved, and we’ve come a long way in the last decade. Gaining enquiries and customers online is now the norm. But if your website doesn’t convert or attract the right person or are not ready to buy yet, and if competitors always outrank you, it’s time to change.


Search engine paid advertising will help your small business quickly gain a competitive edge.

Our core pay-per-click management services for small businesses

Get your business found, target what people are looking for on the search engine results page, outrank your competitors & gain more calls, enquiries, and sales. Here are some of our PPC advertising services:

Web design assessment, Pay Per Click management and Google My Business audit icon. Also used for google ads campaign audit, Local SEO audit

PPC & Google Ads Account Audits

If you have PPC campaigns running with Google Ads (formally Google AdWords), Google Shopping ads, or Microsoft Ads. In that case, we can audit your account performance. Only then can you determine the issues and understand where you want to be.

Research with keyword phrases is really helpful information for businesses as digital marketing services and used in paid advertising

Keyword Research & Competitor Ad Analysis

We’ll research and understand how your Ad works best. Look at what keyword opportunities you’re missing. We’ll look at your competitors’ paid media and marketing as opportunities to exploit. We’ll focus on keyword analysis and finding new ad keywords for the PPC success strategy.

Ideas, our next approach and strategies from our SEO consultants - search engine optimisation. and in PPC strategy with advertising campaigns that are award winning

Ad Strategy, Campaign Planning, Reporting & Setup

Your PPC account manager will develop a winning short & long-term PPC digital marketing strategy that is cost-effective and right for you. We’ll plan click campaigns, including remarketing, ad extensions, Google shopping feeds, ad branding, content marketing, landing pages, maybe paid social media marketing and more, plus setup and provide data-driven reports.

Google Ads used for PPC campaigns

Google Ads Management

Building a Google Ads account from scratch is labour-intensive enough to send even the most capable business owner into a panic. Managing a Google Ad account is another beast entirely. Let us do the hard graft and manage your Google PPC budget to get you the best PPC advertising campaign results possible from paid advertising.

Facebook PPC ads for business goals

Facebook Ads

As the world’s largest social media platform, Facebook has billions of users worldwide, and it’s easy to miss your target audience. Some audience targeting options is more suited to measurable costs per acquisition goal. In contrast, others are more suited for brand awareness goals. Let us manage your Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Remarketing campaign on Facebook and much more.

Lead generation with landing pages and conversation rates.

Lead Generation

We focus on getting results and making every penny count. Lead generation is much more than sending paid traffic to a site and hoping it converts into an enquiry or sale. That doesn’t work great. It does A/B testing, high-quality ad copy, landing pages specifically created for each Ad, sales & marketing funnels and CRM. We’re helping you get more leads than you currently receive.

Want a Free PPC Audit?

Already running a Pay-Per-Click account? How’s that working for you… Get in touch with our PPC agency UK today about our pay-per-click services for small businesses today?

seo traffic img

Benefits of PPC for small businesses

PPC offers small-scale business firms and start-ups a quick & inexpensive way to advertise their products and services while targeting potential customers. Pay-per-click campaigns on Google, Bing, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc., can successfully generate a profit with measurable ROI (return on investment).


Pay-Per-Click is also wonderful for reaching your target audience at the right moment and when they are ready to convert.

Small businesses average about 1% of their revenues for advertising expenses
85% of consumers use the internet to search for local businesses​
Paid advertising returns £1.59 ($2) for every £0.79 ($1) spent – a 200% ROI rate
Small business PPC Management Services
conversion tracking reports within a PPC digital marketing agency Management Services and quality score to match the search terms as well as campaign performance of ad groups plus advertising channels used within the campaign structure plus display ad spend versus conversion rates for different text ads and case studies.

How we achieved 'excellent' results with a CTR of 11.3% for one local small business. Only 10% of advertisers fall into this category.

According to WordStream, the average Click Through Rate (CTR) across all industries in Google search Ads is 1.91%

Working with a small local company that provides cheese wedding cakes across the United Kingdom, we generated 562 leads in 5 months. Our average click-through rate from the ads was 11.3%, the average Cost-Per-Click (CPC) was £0.56, and our overall landing page conversion rate was 10%. This was a brand-new business, and our ads dominated the UK cheese wedding cake market. None of the established competitors could get close. Our client’s closing rate from each lead was a solid 10%.


We did this through excellent keyword research, highly detailed client focus, and ad management. Commitment to improving Ad Quality Scoring and Impression Share with regular optimisation, highly effective multiple landing pages with A/B split testing, and following PPC best practices.


For other case studies or to start today with Dynamics Tech, get in touch.

Most Frequent Questions

Below are answers to the most often asked questions about Pay-Per-Click advertising for small businesses.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) is an online marketing method that drives traffic, typically to a web page, by paying for an advertising channel like Google every time someone clicks on your ad.


There are different PPC Digital Marketing Ads, including PPC Search Display Advertising, Paid Search, PPC Social Media marketing Ads, Retargeting and Remarketing PPC advertising, PPC Video Ads, PPC Mobile Advertising, Native PPC Email Marketing, and PPC Audio Advertising.


PPC is an essential part of your marketing mix and is one of the best ways to expand your reach and quickly find new customers. Contact us to get started.

PPC is an acronym for pay-per-click, or pay-per-click advertising. It is a form of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee every time one of their ads is clicked. As a result, you can think about it as paying to get visitors to your website.

There are many PPC types, but some of the most common are those we generally work with and use for small business clients’ advertising campaigns.


Paid Search Advertising
It is the most commonly used method. These are textual ads that appear on top of your Google search results pages looking for something.


What is PPC


The ad appears above organic traffic results.


Display Advertising
You might remember browsing a website, and you see advertisements in certain places around the page? You can view them on news sites, old Web sites, information sites, and review Web sites.


You might also recall seeing an advert showing you an item/product or service of something you recently searched for and wondered how they knew that?


For instance, a pay per click display advertisement could look like this:


Display Advertising example


These are display ads on the Google Display network.


These websites work in partnership with Google by providing Google with blank ad space, like a street billboard.


These ads may be textual ads or banner ads. You only pay when the user clicks on your advert.


Social Media Advertising
I’m sure you’re aware of the ads you see on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and perhaps LinkedIn. You can also advertise on Tumblr, Reddit, Pinterest, plus Facebook.


These pay-per-click ads work like the Google Display Network, with a dedicated space in the social media field dedicated to display ads, except social media websites run them specifically rather than Google.


With social media advertisements, such as Facebook, you can create targeted audiences based on hundreds of customizable options, like age, gender and location.


Remarketing Advertising

This means that if a user recently visited your site, we may display advertisements for your site to that specific user. Better yet, we can display the exact product they were looking for.


Retargeting and remarketing pay per click ads generally works as part of an existing campaign to help pick up missed opportunities or be part of the sales funnel process. Not everyone is ready to buy for the first time.


Remarketing can nudge people along or reengage with them.

Probably, but not necessarily. Think of PPC advertising as any other form of advertising, television advertising, newspaper advertising, poster advertising, radio advertising: it is designed to showcase your company brand, product/service to a huge crowd.


However, PPC is much more targeted than that, since your billboard ads are not directly targeted at every person who walks past, yet they can be with PPC.


With PPC, you can do more selective targeting and attract much more qualified users.


To determine if PPC is relevant, ask if your small business is interested in advertising for:


  • More exposure
  • Increase sales
  • Generate lead enquires


If the answer is yes, you need a PPC campaign.


You don’t have to spend the most to gain high returns, and your business is not too small. If the PPC campaign works, you can run ad campaigns on lower budgets.


PPC works with or without search engine optimisation (SEO). It would be best if you were doing both.

PPC campaigns are not as simple as setting up a few ads.


A successful PPC campaign requires detailed research, targeting, testing and continuous optimisation to achieve positive results that drive business growth.


A PPC digital marketing agency’s job is to achieve your advertising goals and generate an ROI for the client, so you pay for PPC services.


If you don’t have the training, experience, time resources and expensive 3rd party solutions, the cost of PPC ads can quickly run away from you and squander your budget.


Here at Dynamics Tech, you will work with a dedicated account manager to oversee your ad campaigns and follow pay-per-click best practices to ensure our PPC strategy supports your ad spend.


To learn more about our PPC advertising and PPC services, contact us to speak to a sales representative or PPC account manager.

The truth is there is no silver bullet for the cost of PPC. Remember, PPC is an auction. So how much you pay depends on the supply and demand of the keywords. But there are ways! Being ultra-refined and targeted. It is worth understanding the average cost per click within your industry, so you know how much you expect to spend every time someone clicks on your ad.


We would expect a client to spend £10 a day on ad campaigns. Be prepared to spend £300 a minimum per month. This would exclude our PPC ad management fee of 15%-20% of your monthly budget, plus campaign setup fees, and if required landing page fees. Most clients we work with spend £600+ per month on PPC with us.


The UK average cost-per-click of Google Ads, on the Search Network, is between £0.66 and £1.32. Rather than focusing on how much you think PPC should cost, focus on the experience and quality of a UK PPC agency you work with. There you get the best price-performance ratio. Be careful when you choose the cheapest UK PPC agency to offer! Many PPC agencies focus on being cheap, which often means they rely on set-and-forget campaigns that don’t get the best results for their marketing spend for the client. That’s not us. Our focus is on honest, direct PPC campaigns that get the best out of every pound and help your small company grow.


Like all our digital marketing services, it’s a partnership. We need you as much as you need us. Let’s work together!

A PPC campaign can be challenging if you don’t have experience in paid search engine marketing.


The setup of a PPC campaign should be part of your company’s marketing strategy and align with your business goals. Working with a PPC management agency will enable you to see results, rather than worry about the technical elements that make up pay per click ad campaign work.


As a PPC agency, Dynamics Tech is a certified Google Partner from our years of experience with Google Ads (formally Google AdWords) management, having supplied our ad campaign management PPC services to other small businesses.


Our PPC management services will lower your cost per click, decrease ad costs and increase your online visibility.


Being a Google Partner means we are recognised for our search advertising abilities, including PPC best practises for creating, managing and optimising Google Ads search campaigns.


Smaller businesses have smaller budgets and limited ad spending, let alone afford costly agency PPC campaign tools that help lower costs, manage negative keywords and improve ad spend per paid search campaign.


Hence, hiring a PPC agency that knows how to manage small businesses, like Dynamics Tech, will help you gain the expertise of an expert digital marketing agency for your Google Ads and Bing Ads campaigns.


Call one of our PPC specialists today 01530 440354

Even small budgets can benefit from PPC. The use of PPC can be used to target visitors at all stages of the buying process. In order to begin, you might want to focus on the key words people use to find products. It is believed that the lower you are in the funnel, the higher your conversion rate should be.


You should determine the value of a customer to your business before you begin a PPC campaign, and how much you are willing to spend on acquiring that customer. To acquire a customer that is worth £100 to my business, I am prepared to spend £50 on acquiring the sale.


If you use a formula based on the conversion rate, it can be determined how much you can pay for leads since no business can convert every lead.


As an example, if one in ten leads ends up becoming a paying customer, you will be paying £3 for every lead.


PPC combined with analytics is a powerful marketing tool for entrepreneurs, which can be explained by this simple formula.

As social media grew, PPC advertising became synonymous with Paid Social Advertising, leading to the term “Social PPC.” Social PPC differs significantly from traditional PPC in terms of ad formats, targeting, and delivery.

Paid advertising allows you to reach a defined audience and use your content to elevate your brand with specific targeting and generate more qualified leads. But don’t overlook organic search marketing. Organic strategy is at the heart of any successful paid advertising campaign.

Have MORE questions?

Please contact us if you have any more questions.