
Leicester Museum and Art Gallery

The Leicester Museum and Art Gallery, located at 53 New Walk, Leicester LE1 7EA, United Kingdom, is another exciting and informative venue to take in the beautiful Leicestershire area.


Initially opened in 1849, this museum is memorable for being one of the first public museums in the United Kingdom. Famed architect Joseph Hansom originally designed the building and has expanded regularly since it was first built over 170 years ago.


Anyone can benefit from a museum trip, regardless of whether you’re young or old. Thankfully for the community of Leicestershire, there are several options for a quality museum trip. The Leicester Museum and Art Gallery are certainly one of those quality options. Its informative permanent exhibits include dinosaur skeletons, Egyptian displays, minerals local to Leicester, and more.


The dinosaur displays are a significant part of the Leicestershire museum’s prominent exhibits, including a plesiosaur found in nearby Barrow upon Soar and a cetiosaur from Rutland. The local fossils are renowned for being one of the most complete specimens in the world. Still, they’re just a few of the many other extinct organisms displayed at the museum. “Barrow Kipper”, the Plesiosaur from Barrow upon Soar is a popular fossil for its mysterious nature. Originally found in 1851, this fossil was first thought to be a Plesiosaurus macrocephalus; however, it was later discovered as a yet unnamed genus, which adds significant interest to the display.


Art is another major element of the museum, exemplified by its extensive collection of German Expressionist art. The art was smuggled out of Nazi-Germany in the 1930s, before the beginning of World War II. The Nazis denounced these art pieces, so they were brought to the Leicester Museum and Art Gallery to protect them, where they have remained ever since.


No doubt, the Leicester Museum and Art Gallery is one of the most popular public museums in the Leicestershire area. It is well-liked by both tour guides and casual visitors. The museum can be visited free of charge, and parking in the area is also relatively affordable, at a rate of £2 for about 3 hours. It’s a popular location for people with curious children, especially for dinosaur displays. Older audiences appreciated the art, paintings and photography on display. As well, hygiene-conscious individuals have noted, the museum has incorporated good social distancing practices.


Critics of the museum have sighted a handful of problems. Many think there could be more information about some exhibits on display. Others have commented that the museum lacks decent British historical pieces. Some repeat visitors have described the museum as stale quickly, stating that the displays don’t change often. Despite all that, most agree this exciting museum is one of the more interesting places to spend some time on a dull or wet weekend afternoon.


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Leicester Museum and Art Gallery for Dynamics Tech.


Other local places of interest include:


Abbey Park
University of Leicester Botanic Garden
Bradgate Park
The Guildhall Museum
Tropical Birdland