
PPC Agency Leicestershire for Small Businesses

PPC management services designed to fit your Leicestershire small business needs.

Are you looking to grow your business? If your industry is competitive, it might be challenging to generate leads and convert them into customers. You could also waste money on search engine ads that won’t attract customers. Your small business can benefit from our PPC agency Leicestershire.

Areas see a range and look quality. name and industry. Make success and get found.

Customised winning PPC strategies

Lower the cost

Improve the CTR, CPA & Conversion Rate with ads that work

Achieve growth

Gain rapid results with measurable results & ROI

SEO services for Rutland and SEO Oakham for local businesses

Let someone else, like us, do all the PPC, Ad & Lead campaign work

PPC Management Services for Small Businesses

Without a stream of new leads, your sales are dead. It's time to reevaluate how you generate sales opportunities.

Search engine marketing is an effective way to drive traffic to web pages. The most popular form of search advertising is PPC (pay-per-click).

No doubt about it: online digital marketing is more important than ever. When a customer converts on your website or gets in touch, you need to be ready to service them. It’s not enough to have a pretty site today; businesses need to go beyond the basics and invest in online advertising.

Our core pay per click management helps Leicestershire small businesses succeed.

Here are some of our pay-per-click services. We can help you get your business found, target what people are looking for in search results, outrank your competitors, gain more calls, enquiries, and sales.

Web design assessment, Pay Per Click management and Google My Business audit icon. Also used for google ads campaign audit, Local SEO audit

PPC & Google Ads Account Audits

We can audit your PPC campaigns with Google Ads (formally Google AdWords), Google Shopping campaigns, or Microsoft Ads. That’s the only way to determine where you need to improve. We can help you refine your PPC campaigns with additional keywords, revamp your strategy, and diversify your bidding options.  

Research with keyword phrases is really helpful information for businesses as digital marketing services and used in paid advertising

Keyword Research & Competitor Ad Analysis

We’ll research what keywords are available in your niche and how your ad is performing. We’ll also look for marketing opportunities in your competitors’ ads as well. We will match keyword data from your Ads account with conversion data. As well as competitor data, we will ensure that you are dominating the right keywords for your industry.

Ideas, our next approach and strategies from our SEO consultants - search engine optimisation. and in PPC strategy with advertising campaigns that are award winning

Ad Strategy, Campaign Planning, Reporting & Setup

As a PPC account manager, we will help plan and execute an effective digital marketing strategy for your business. Using remarketing, content marketing, landing pages, and more, we can help you create a highly cost-effective PPC campaign. We will provide reporting data and updated goals so that you can see the progress of your paid marketing campaign.  

Google Ads used for PPC campaigns

Google Ads Management

Google Ads can be challenging to build from the ground up, so leave it to us. We manage Google ads accounts. Let go of that time-consuming labour when you have a business to run and ads to run. Let our experienced marketing team handle all your PPC advertising campaign needs while staying within your budget.

Facebook PPC ads for business goals

Facebook Ads

Facebook has more than 1.6 billion users, so it’s easy to miss your target audience. Audience targeting options are more suitable for video views, website clicks, or measurable acquisition costs. Brand awareness is also a good option. Which should you choose? That’s why we’re here – to manage your Facebook, Instagram, and remarketing ads.

Lead generation with landing pages and conversation rates.

Lead Generation

We’ll get you leads. It’s more than just sending traffic to your site and hoping for the best. Those days are over. Digital marketing today includes A/B testing, highly-tailored ad copy, custom-made landing pages, sales funnels, and CRM integration. We’re helping you bring in far more leads than ever before.  

Want a Free PPC Audit?

Are you already running a Pay-Per-Click campaign? Are you thrilled with the results? If not, it’s time to reevaluate your digital marketing strategy. Give us a call about our Pay-Per-Click management services today.

seo traffic img

The benefits of paid search marketing for small businesses

Pay Per Click advertising is easy and inexpensive for small business firms and start-ups. They can use PPC in Bing & Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc., to target their potential customers and immediately generate a profit with a measurable ROI (return on investment). PPC works well in reaching your target audience and timing your ads at the right moment, so they are more receptive.

Small companies are spending about 1% of their annual revenue on advertising.
85% of consumers search for local businesses online.
Paid advertising returns £1.59 ($2) for every £0.79 ($1) spent – a 200% return on investment rate.
PPC for small business Shopify owner
conversion tracking reports within a PPC digital marketing agency Management Services and quality score to match the search terms as well as campaign performance of ad groups plus advertising channels used within the campaign structure plus display ad spend versus conversion rates for different text ads and case studies.

We drove a CTR of 11.3% for one business, which is about 10% higher than the industry average.

According to WordStream, the average Click Through Rate (CTR) in Google Ads for all industries is 1.91%

We increased sales leads by 562% in 5 months when working with a Leicestershire company. We achieved an average click-through rate of 11.3%, a cost per click of £0.56, and a conversion rate of 10% on our landing pages. Quite an achievement for a brand new business. The existing competition couldn’t compete. Our client gained many new customers each month with a 10% close rate.


We ensure that each ad meets the highest standards of relevance through excellent keyword research and client focus. We manage ads using various strategies, including highly detailed client focus and consistently strong ad management. Thanks to regular optimisation, high-quality landing pages, and A/B split testing, we improved ad quality scoring and impression share. Get started with Dynamics Tech.

Most Frequent Questions

Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions about Pay-Per-Click advertising.

Pay per click (PPC) is an effective way to grow your business quickly. It allows the user to pay for each time your advertisement is clicked on, or for every time a website visitor arrives at your site, or for every purchase made by the customer.


There are many PPC marketing ads, including PPC display ads, email marketing, and social media. There are many types of online PPC ads, including display advertising, paid search, remarketing, video ads, mobile advertising, native advertising, social media ads, business email marketing, and audio ads.


Paid search can reach many potential customers quickly. It’s one of the best ways to find new customers, and should be part of any effective marketing effort.


Contact us to learn more!

There are many PPC types, but we generally work with and use the following:


Paid Search Advertising
When you search Google, immediate advertisements appear. They are textual ads (text ads) with links to websites. These ads will appear at the top of the display page to answer your search query. Imagine having trouble sleeping and having a restless night, because you can’t stop tossing and turning. You search Google for “pillowcases.” The first thing to appear are the ads for pillows:


What is PPC

They are paid advertisements. In fact, there are two business types of ads in the picture above. – Search and Shopping.

Search is in the 2nd section, and each ad is above the organic search results.


Each ad contains an advertising icon in bold beside the URL. Search advertisements are entirely customisable.


The first section is Google Shopping Advertisements. These cost more than Search Ads for an advertiser because the user has a higher purchase intent. Therefore, Google can charge more for the click or conversion of a sale. That’s also why Google places it at the top of the search page. Google Shopping Ads are used in e-commerce shops to help sell their goods.


Bing works the same with Bing ads and their display network.


Display Advertising

You might remember browsing a website and seeing advertisements in certain places around the page? You can view them on news sites, old Websites, information sites, and review Websites.

You might also recall seeing an advert showing you an item/product or service of something you recently searched for and wondered how they knew that?


For instance, a pay per click display advertisement could look like this:


Display Advertising example


These are display ads on the Google Display network.


These business websites partner with Google by providing Google with blank ad space, like a street billboard.


Google then carries out automated online auctions to determine who gets to advertise in those spaces.


These ads may be textual ads or banner ads. You only pay when the customer clicks on your advert.


Social Media Advertising
I’m sure you’re aware of the ads you see on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and perhaps LinkedIn. You can also advertise on Tumblr, Reddit, Pinterest, plus Facebook. You can choose to advertise across their products, such as Facebook Messenger, News Feed, Sidebar, Market Place, and Audience Network. It’s impressive to see what we can do.


These pay-per-click ads work like the Google Display Network, with dedicated space in the social media field dedicated to display ads, except social media websites run them specifically rather than Google.


This is different from a social media strategy, where you publish organically on a social platform. Social Media Advertising does not appear on your business profile page, just in the display spaces in users’ feeds or Facebook products.


With social media advertisements, such as Facebook, you can create targeted audiences based on hundreds of customisable options, like age, gender and location. For further advances, such as device type, Wi-Fi or off likes X page/group, interested in X, recently bought X; status changed to X.


Facebook collects lots of information about people’s habits on and off the platform. An advertiser’s advantages are that ads may be highly targeted, so Facebook is extremely popular for advertisers.


Facebook ads work great for retailers, promoters, and lead generation campaigns.


Remarketing Advertising

This is a division of Display and Social Advertising that specifically targets users who have already visited your site or a specific part of your site (for example, making it part of the way through the sales funnel but not converting).


This means that if a user recently visited your site, we may display advertisements for your site to that specific user. Better yet, we can display the exact product they were looking for. These are primarily high conversion ads. We know the user is already interested and may be ready to convert.


Retargeting and remarketing pay per click ads generally works as part of an existing campaign to help pick up missed opportunities or be part of the sales funnel process. Not everyone is ready to buy for the first time. Remarketing can nudge people along or reengage with them.

Internet advertising, or PPC, can be used to target specific types of customers. Think of it like any other form of advertising, such as television, newspapers, posters, and radio ads. They’re all designed to reach many people with a particular clickable message about your brand’s products or services.


However, pay-per-click (PPC) is not as broad as traditional marketing, like placing an ad on the street. With PPC, you can target more selectively and attract more qualified customers.


To determine if PPC is relevant, ask if your small business is interested in advertising for:


  • More exposure
  • Increase clicks into sales
  • Generate lead enquires


If the answer is yes, you need a PPC campaign.


Most, if not all, business owners are large or small, interested and eager. Still, many small business owners are concerned they might be too small to compete.


AdWords is a highly technical and complicated online advertising platform. Other businesses say they tried Google PPC campaigns but failed to get their desired results. They say they don’t have enough budget or time and do not have the technical know-how to run PPC campaigns with Google AdWords.


Because of time, budget, and knowledge, online retailers often shy away from building an effective pay-per-click (PPC) campaign.


You don’t have to spend the most to gain high returns, and your business is not too small. You can run ad campaigns on lower budgets if the PPC campaign works. Here are a few examples:


  • New small businesses looking for early exposure to get their names out there.


  • A local tradesperson or small business owner eager to gain sales enquires. Alternatively, target people searching for specific repairs, particular products or services, quick fixes, or emergencies.


  • Small businesses keen to expand into new markets target a new persona, new products or services, or expand to locations, including cities or counties, nationwide or worldwide.


  • eCommerce store eager to sell more.


  • Businesses looking to improve their online sales process.


  • Lead generation is at the top of the funnel to start the sales process.


  • Increase followers and likes on social media.


  • Businesses looking to increase value or add spend per sale.


  • Established small businesses have dedicated advertising budgets, some of which will be devoted to digital advertising.


  • Complete with competitors, both large and small.


  • Close the gap in the sales process. Remarket to people who have already shown interest an in your business, product or service before by either liking or following you on social media or previously visiting your website.


PPC campaigns can be great for your website and sometimes even outrank SEO. But for PPC to have the maximum effect, other things must also be done. It is best not to run an SEO campaign without doing PPC. While this is possible, we have seen the best results when PPC and SEO are done together. Click-Through Rate (CTR) will usually increase when a PPC campaign is used with SEO.


New traffic visiting the page will help trigger signals to search engines like Google or Bing.


While not every business can afford to invest in PPC and SEO simultaneously, both are part of an efficient short-term and long-term digital marketing strategy.

Since PPC campaigns are not as simple as you think, there is a need for detailed research, targeted advertising, multiphase testing and continuous optimisation to achieve positive results. They also help Leicestershire businesses grow in a phased manner.


A pay-per-click digital marketing agency’s job is to help you hit your advertising goals and increase your ROI. You pay these agencies for their services.


A PPC management job is to meet your advertising goals and help you sidestep unnecessary ad spend so that you can generate a larger ROI. You pay for its services.


Suppose you don’t have the necessary training, experience, time resources, and expensive 3rd party business solutions. In that case, the cost of PPC ads can quickly run away from you and squander your budget.


At Dynamics Tech, we know that PPC advertising is little more than a strategy without PPC management. As such, our Leicestershire account managers will work with you to produce a plan that focuses on providing good quality traffic to your landing page or e-commerce site. We then use best practices for assessing impact and analysing PPC performance.


If you have any questions about our pay per click PPC management and PPC agency Leicester performance-based advertising, please contact us for sales information or speak to your account manager.

The truth is there is no silver bullet for the cost of PPC. It boils down to a bunch of variables: how much are you willing to spend? What is the average cost for clicks in your industry and location? What keywords do you want to target? What price are your competitors prepared to pay?


Remember, PPC is an auction. So how much you pay depends on the supply and demand of the keywords. The truth is, there is no magic formula for PPC. With precision targeting and careful strategy, ads’ cost per click can be far below the industry average. Determine the average cost per click of ads within your industry to know what you can spend.


There are many estimated costs per click, but most fall in the £0.63 to £1.32 range. While Google suggested approximately 52% of clicks were on mobile devices, Facebook is about one-fourth of those total clicks.


Most of our clients spend more than £600 a month with us, and those who don’t usually do about £10 per day on ads. We have found that the money spent on ads directly corresponds to the cost savings you will gain from our service. In other words, if you plan to save 10%, expect to spend about £600 per month with us.


The more money you invest, the greater your ROI will be. Start small and grow your strategy slowly, increasing your ad budget over time. Make sure you’re adding at least 40%-90% of your profit back into ads over the first few months, so that your budget can grow as you start to see your return on investment.


Rather than asking how much you should spend on PPC services, it’s more fruitful to think about the quality of the agency you choose. The right PPC agency for you will offer a great ROI based on your business goals. Cheap services are a set-up for failure. You get what you pay for.


Rather than focusing on how much you think PPC should cost, focus on the experience and quality of a UK PPC agency you work with. Many PPC agencies focus on being cheap, which often means they rely on set-and-forget ads that don’t get good results for their client’s marketing budget. That’s not us. Our focus is on honest, direct PPC campaigns that get the best ROI for every pound spent and help your small company grow.


The collaboration between our two companies is essential. We cannot function without you, nor can you without us.


Let’s work together!

A PPC campaign may be challenging for businesses that don’t have experience with it before.


In this digital era, companies must invest in PPC to remain competitive. Suppose you have a marketing strategy, but aren’t sure how to implement it. In that case, working with a PPC management agency can be an excellent choice. Doing so will enable you to take advantage of the benefits of pay-per-click advertising.


Certified Google Partner Agency Dynamics Tech is a PPC management agency based in Leicestershire that has supplied Google Ads (formally known as AdWords) management services to other small businesses for several years.


Being a Google Partner means we are recognised for our search advertising abilities, including PPC best practices for creating, managing and optimising Google Ads search campaigns.


If you run an eCommerce store like Shopify, we can also help attract customers to top your store.


Our Leicester-based professional team knows how to make sure you get the most out of PPC by helping you grow your website and meet your business goals.


Small businesses have limited budgets and little advertising spending. Therefore, they cannot afford expensive PPC campaign tools that help lower costs, manage negative keywords, and improve ad spend per paid search campaigns.


Thus, hiring a data-driven and locally Leicester-based PPC management agency like Dynamics Tech will help your small business improve your digital marketing tactics. We use your ads to increase your sales and get you the customers you want.


Get in touch via email or call us at 01530 440354 for Paid Search (PPC Management).


PPC Agency Leicestershire conveniently located in Field Head, near Markfield, Leicestershire.

Have MORE questions?

Please contact us if you have any further questions, and we will be happy to help.